August 13, 2016

When to Contact Your Emergency Dentist in Fort Worth

Did you break a tooth or lose a filling? Drs. Stovall, Cheng and Thorburn, emergency dentists in Fort Worth, treat urgent needs with swift care and empathy.

Do you know how to handle a dental emergency such as a lost tooth?  Call emergency dentists in Fort Worth, Drs. Stovall, Cheng and Thorburn.  The doctor will steer you into the right course of action and treat you the same day if needed. It’s good to have your dentist nearby in Fort Worth.

What Comprises a Dental Emergency?

If you are cut, in pain, bleeding or lost a tooth or restoration, call Stovall & Cheng DDS immediately. The dentist or a dedicated staff member will assist you in controlling pain, prevent more damage and get you treated as soon as possible. Nothing means more to them than your health and well-being.

There are many kinds of dental emergencies, including:

  • A throbbing toothache and drainage from dental abscess (infection)
  • Jaw or gum swelling
  • Intense tooth sensitivity from a lost filling or crown
  • Broken denture or bridgework
  • Bleeding from a laceration to the lips, tongue, or gums
  • Broken tooth
  • Avulsed tooth
  • Displaced tooth
  • Broken jaw

What to Do First

In addition to phoning your emergency dentist, first aid measures stabilize dental issues until the doctor can treat the problem. Here are some examples of what to do.

  • A blow to the face You think your jaw is broken or cannot stop some bleeding with direct pressure. Go directly to the nearest hospital emergency room.
  • Avulsed tooth Wash debris off the tooth, leaving any attached soft tissue. Try placing the tooth back into the socket, and hold it in place while travelling to the dental office. If this is not possible, put the tooth between your cheek and gum, or in a plastic container or sealed bag with milk or over the counter tooth preservative. The American Association of Endodontists says most avulsed teeth can be reimplanted if you act within one hour of injury. If you lose a filling or chip a tooth, save the pieces to bring to the office.
  • Abscessed tooth Take over the counter ibuprofen to reduce swelling and pain. Many dental abscesses respond well to root canal therapy, which removes diseased inner pulp and crowns the tooth. Be sure to call Dr. Stovall, Cheng or Thorburn at the first signs of infection (drainage, pain, fever).

Protect Yourself

Be proactive to avoid dental emergencies Wear a custom acrylic mouthguard during sports to protect your teeth and gums. Don’t bite into hard items such as ice cubes.  Avoid taffy, peanut brittle and other tough foods. Don’t procrastinate. Call the office at the first sign of a problem.

Also, practice good dental hygiene at home. Brush twice a day, and floss daily. Visit your dentist semi-annually for an exam, cleaning and X-rays.  The doctors want to diagnose and treat dental problems before they become painful, complex and expensive.

Call Us

Contact Stovall & Cheng DDS immediately with urgent dental issues. This practice is Highest Rated in Tarrant County by the well-respected Angie’s List; so you can trust you are in good hands no matter the situation.