November 5, 2018

Got Missing Teeth? Dental Implants Have Incredible Versatility!

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_cheng @ 5:08 am

A diagram of an implant-supported bridge.Tooth loss is hardly a dental issue worth scoffing at. Millions of Americans are missing all of their teeth and millions more are missing at least one tooth. While one tooth may not seem like a lot, it can have devastating consequences in the long-term. Your diet can be significantly affected, your jaw bone will start to shrink, and you’ll likely feel embarrassed to smile or go out to dinner.

So what are your options with dental implants? How many teeth can implants replace?

Dental Implants Can Replace Single Teeth

Whether one of your molars was extracted or you experienced a dental injury that left you with a huge gap in your smile, dental implants are perfect for replacing single teeth. When we talk about implants, we’re specifically referring to the titanium post that integrates with the jaw bone and surrounding gum tissue. Once this has been placed and fully healed, a single porcelain crown is placed on top via an abutment. The abutment acts like a screw and keeps the crown sturdy through daily use.

It’s worth mentioning that unlike traditional tooth replacement options, dental implants replace the root left behind after the tooth is extracted. By doing this, you’re gaining far more of your previously reduced functions than you would with a simple crown and bridge. With dental implants, you can expect:

  • Improved blood flow, meaning you’ll maintain your face’s natural shape overall
  • An incredibly natural-looking smile
  • The fullest biting force possible
  • A long-term solution that requires no special maintenance than your existing teeth

Multiple Tooth Replacement is Not an Issue

For those who are missing multiple teeth, you’ll want to consider implant-retained bridges. These function much like traditional bridges except they do not require removing any existing tooth enamel to place.

Traditionally, teeth need to be buffed down so a bridge can fit on top of them and act as anchors. However, if you’re missing three to four consecutive teeth, you’ll simply have two implants placed adjacent to your natural teeth. Then, each end of the bridge will attach to each implant. What’s convenient about this option is you don’t need to place three to four implants just to replace three to four teeth.

Opt for a More Secure Denture

If you’ve worn a partial denture for a long time, you’re likely already aware of the many issues that can arise. Since no roots are stimulating your jaw, your mouth is constantly changing shape. When the mouth changes shape, dentures no longer fit and require relining and eventually replacing.

Dental implants interrupt this process because they’re constantly stimulating bone after placement. Instead of relying on denture adhesive much longer than you should be, choose an implant-retained denture. This device snaps directly on top of implants and prevent the constant slipping and sliding you’re already used to. Now, you can smile, laugh, and chew your favorite foods with confidence!

Not sure which implant solution is right for you? Schedule an implant consultation today to get started!

About Fort Dental Group

When you want dental implants, the dentists at Fort Dental Group are the right people for the job. They can surgically place your implant and restore it with either a crown, bridge or denture right here in the office. To learn more about the process or about the practice, you can contact any one of them through their website.