February 14, 2017

Find Your Emergency Dentist In Fort Worth Before Spring Break

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Emergency dentist in Fort Worth saves your smile! How can you handle a dental emergency on Spring Break? Before anything else, contact Fort Dental. These emergency dentists in Fort Worth, Drs. Stovall, Cheng and Thorburn, direct their staff to answer pressing concerns with knowledge and empathy. Plus, a dentist will treat you the very same day if necessary. Following is some information on common dental emergencies that occur on Spring Break and how to stabilize your condition.


What is a Dental Emergency?

If you have a severe toothache, are bleeding or have lost a tooth or restoration, contact Fort Dental immediately. (be sure to have their number in your contacts before vacation time starts) A dentist or a trained staffer will assist you in controlling pain, preventing more damage and getting you treated.

There are several kinds of dental emergencies, and some seem more prevalent during vacation times such as Spring Break. They are:

  • A throbbing toothache
  • A dental abscess (infection)
  • Jaw or gum swelling
  • Dental sensitivity from a lost filling or crown or from a large cavity
  • Cracked denture or bridgework
  • Profuse bleeding from a laceration to the lips, tongue, or gums (often a sports injury or motor vehicle mishap)
  • Broken or knocked-out tooth (from opening bottles with your teeth or getting hit with a softball or frisbee)
  • Broken or dislocated jaw (from a fall)

What First Aid Tips Can I Follow?

Besides contacting Fort Dental, first aid measures stabilize urgent issues until your dentist can treat you. In fact, it’s smart to take a small dental first aid kit with you if you are travelling–even locally. It should contain a disposable ice pack, bottled water, 4x4s, dental floss, exam gloves and zippered sandwich bags. Carrying orthodontic wax and over the counter tooth preservative is a good idea, too.

If severe tooth pain, injury or bleeding occurs, here are some examples of what to do first.

  • A sudden impact to the face: Your jaw may be broken, or perhaps you cannot stop bleeding with direct pressure. Go directly to the nearest hospital ER.
  • Knocked-out tooth: Handling the tooth gently, wash off dirt and debris with plain water, leaving any attached soft tissue. Try putting the tooth back into the empty socket, and hold it in place while travelling to Fort Dental. If this doesn’t work, place the tooth between your cheek and gums, or in a sealed sandwich bag with milk, water or over the counter tooth preservative. The American Association of Endodontists says avulsed teeth can be re-implanted successfully within one hour of injury. If you lose a filling or chip a tooth, save the pieces, and bring them to the office.
  • Dental abscess (infection): Take over the counter ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce swelling and discomfort. Contact your dentist at the first signs of infection (drainage, pain, swelling, fever). Ice your jaw (20 minutes on and 20 minutes off) to reduce swelling.
  • Something stuck between your teeth Attempt to gently remove the foreign object or food with dental floss. If unsuccessful, contact Fort Dental for further instruction.

Be Proactive

Avoid dental injury. Wear a customized mouthguard during sports to protect your teeth. Don’t bite into hard items such as ice or peanut brittle, especially if you have restorations such as crowns and veneers.

Also, practice good dental hygiene daily. Brush twice a day, and floss at least once as recommended by the American Dental Association. Visit your dentist semi-annually for an exam, cleaning and X-rays. The doctors will treat problems before they become painful, complex surprises during your vacation time.

Contact the Office

Contact Fort Dental immediately if you develop a problem. According to Angie’s List, this dental practice is the most highly rated in Tarrant County!